Her Way: Recommendation Report

25 November 2021


25 November 2021

Today, I took the opportunity of Private Members’ Business to call on the ACT Government to: 

  1. note the ‘Her Way’ Recommendation Report authored by Dr Paterson and dated 22 November 2021, including community comments and input; and 
  2. seek to incorporate the recommendations, where considered appropriate by the ACT Government, in existing and future programs of work, including: 
    1. initiatives of the light rail stage 2 Disruption Taskforce; 
    2. active travel infrastructure, initiatives and behaviour change programs; 
    3. public transport design and delivery; 
    4. urban planning design and delivery; and 
    5. incorporating a range of user perspectives in the above; and 
  3. note that I welcome the opportunity to remain involved in considerations by the ACT Government which relate to the purpose, objective and recommendations in the ‘Her Way’ Recommendation Report.

Private Members' Business - Motion


Media release

News Articles:


22 November 2021

‘Her Way’ is a campaign to engage women in my electorate to make greater use of public transport and active travel.  

I released a Discussion Paper on 9 August and have used the responses I received to inform a Recommendation Report.

The comments provided have been instrumental in helping to better understand how women want to change their travel behaviours, what the key constraints and barriers are, and how to best overcome them. 

Over the last couple of months, I’ve considered in detail all the comments that were provided, and have sought further discussion, feedback and input from key stakeholders.  

I’m confident that the Report directly reflects community input and needs, is implementable, aligns with objectives and ambitions of the ACT Government and global best-practice initiatives, and will result in lasting, meaningful outcomes. 

I’m at the very early stages of my own journey towards making some changes in my travel behaviour and I’ll be sharing my story as I go... 

To stay up to date – with my journey and with outcomes that are implemented from the ‘Her Way’ Recommendation Report – please follow my Facebook page and sign up to my (semi-regular!) newsletter. 

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, comments or ideas for collaboration in this space! 

Ph. (02) 6205 1448 

Email [email protected]